Wednesday, February 20, 2013

DIY on AM Northwest

Truth be told, I am a DIY girl at heart! I absolutely love to be crafty, creating and recreate all kinds of projects. And when it comes to weddings, I get excited when I hear a bride wants to do projects to help make the wedding reflect her and the groom that bring in a glue gun!

On the 19th I was able to share on AM Northwest just a few things about DIY and how I like to bring it into a wedding. With only six minutes to share, we barley scratched the surface of what I wanted to say and do. Below you will find a few more of the notes I had planned to share, but really, if you are a DIY bride I would love to get a chance to meet and create with you!

  • Don't do any projects that have/need to be finished or put together on the wedding day or the week before for that matter!! Some examples would be...
    • Make your own bouquets 
    • Cook your own food
    • Assemble floral arrangements 
  • Know that actually making things yourself can be more costly than having a professional do it. Some examples would be...
    • Printed things like invitations, programs, ect.
    • Dessert/candy bars
    • Floral
  • You don't have to be crafty to diy something for the wedding
    • Create the invite with the designer
    • Pick your playlist with the dj
    • Bring a family receipt to the caterer or baker
    • Utilized Pinterest for inspiration
Suggestions for good safe projects
  • Pre-made centerpieces (pictures attached)
  • Party favor wine charms (picture attached)
  • Place card holders (picture attached)
  • Party favor coffee bag with "Love is brewing tags" (picture attached)
  • Boutonnieres (going to make on air) 
  • Cup cake liners
  • Custom headpieces or jewelry