Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Traditions

When I was a young bride-to-be I couldn't wait to start my new family traditions. I had so many grand ideas as to how birthdays, vacations and holidays were going to go. My mind was soaring with ideas. Well, I have been married 8.5 years now and I think only one tradition has stuck so far, haha!! When Josh and I went on our honeymoon we found a magnet at a local market that we really liked. It was cheap and small to carry in our bags, so we picked it up. Two years later when we went on our next vacation we found another magnet that we thought would look nice next to our one from Maui, so we got it. You can probably see where this is going?!?!? The rule is that we can not get any magnets unless we are there together and we both have to agree to purchasing it. Now I don't like things all over my frig, but when I look up there and see, the now, 15 magnets from all over the US and the world, I get so happy. Each trip is more of a magnet hunt for me now than a vacation. It's so much fun and I look forward to it each time. We have even planned a couple trips just so we could get magnets from certain places.

With Christmas only a few weeks away, this is a fun time to look at what you do naturally, as a person and a couple. What type of things bring joy to your relationship. To me, those are the things to focus on, not the horrible holiday sweaters, or nasty fruit bread. Enjoy the things that bring you closer together without effort, during this holiday season and throughout the year.

Happy Holidays!!!