Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, AM Northwest

What a great time I had on AM Northwest today with Helen and Dave! It was such a joy to be able to sit and chat with them about one of my greatest passions in life, weddings! As we all know, we are approaching bridal show season. And with all the shows coming up, it can be overwhelming to know which one to go to and how get the most out of your experience. Since we were not able to get to all of my points today I thought I would post more of my tips and ideas for everyone to see. If you missed the segment, here is a link to watch online, http://www.katu.com - My Sept 11 segment

Today we talked about some of the types of shows that are put on...

-Traditional trade show style with booths and fashion shows.
-Themed rooms coordinated by wedding professionals in the room.
-Alternative shows
-Open Houses - often free and put on by the venues
-Mock weddings

We also touched on what to do at a show...
-Look at the professionals. Did they look prepared for the day?

-Schedule a consultation. You will want more than 5 minutes with them to judge if they are right for your wedding

-Utilize Pinterest. If you like what you see, snap a picture and pin it to your wedding board

-Don't sign up for everything. If you don't need a photographer, don't sign up for their drawing. It can be easy to get caught up in all the drawings, so only pick the ones you really want to win. 

And the last thing we were able to talk about was a bride show kit to help you make sense of all the materials that will be given to you through the day.

Bridal Show Kit:
-Three ring binder
-Information labels. You name, wedding date, phone and email. This way you don't have to write it a million times
-Sticky notes. Afte talking with a wedding profession make a note on their marketing material with a stinky notes as to why you liked them. Trust me you will forget later!
-Highlighter and pens
-Comfortable shoes
-Questions to ask the wedding pros..
            - Do you have my date available?
            - Have you done a ______________ wedding? Ethnic, size, location
            - Do you have a travel charge?
            *Make your own list

Thanks again to AM Northwest for having me on the show today!