Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's official and I'm so excited

Over the last few weeks I have been meeting/talking with Cherie Ronning owner of the Portland Wedding Lounge. A space has opened up for another wedding consultant and Cherie has picked With This Ring to fill the space. What an honor!!! Cherie has been in the wedding industry for many years and her knowledge and experience is vast and highly respected. This opportunity has humbled me to know I am going to be working along side of some of Portland's most established and respected wedding professionals!

If you visit the Wedding Lounge's website you will find a new page for me, as well as, the list of other vendors who are a part of the lounge. I am sooooo excited to have this space to meet with my Portland clients, and also to be associated with such a high quality group of vendors.

Look out Portland, here I come!!!